Well within my job I do suggest things I think will help. From sleeping apps and relaxation techniques. Weighted blankets have been in my sight for a while now, and I have suggested them to a few adults and parents of children who suffer with anxiety or who have ASD, Admittedly, to great feedback.
So I was excited to order mine. I got the weight advised and waited not-so-patiently.
I have to say that I did not like it. I felt suffocated and trapped. Bearing in mind that since I was a child I have rather extreme claustrophobia and can panic if I feel trapped, something that unfortunately developed and progressed when I was a scuba diver. So maybe in hindsight, weighted blankets were never going to be for me.
So please bear this is mind when you are considering buying them. I am glad I tried one, and I will definitely be considerate of this when I offer advice to another considering them.
Do you have any other questions you think I may know the answer to? Drop me a line and if I know I will happily share my knowledge.